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About Us

Partners in Literacy Haiti collaborates with the Haitian people, libraries and educational institutions resulting in increased reading proficiency and learning success. 
Partners in Literacy Haiti enhances reading through Kreyòl books, technology, and training focused on children (birth to 8-year-olds), families, and teachers in community libraries, schools, and centers.
PARTNERSHIP: Partner with organizations sharing our vision.
ACTION: Work to benefit as many children as early as possible.
EDUCATION: Embody passion for education with the flexibility to seek new solutions.
STEWARDSHIP: Promote the responsible use of resources to achieve our mission.
LITERACY EQUALITY:  Work to elevate the reading ability of those most marginalized.
The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a blueprint for peace and prosperity, now and into the future. At its heart are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an urgent call for action by developed and developing countries. Among the sweeping goals are eliminating poverty, increasing education, and building a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. The U.N. has noted that libraries are key partners in this global work since a library’s role includes access to information, protecting cultural heritage, providing universal information literacy, and bringing knowledge to communities in ways that are tangible to achieve the SDGs. PILH supports this agenda.
Involvement and advocacy with PILH is open to anyone seeking to interact with underserved children, libraries, or early literacy education.