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Board of Directors

Dr. Sara Mansbach
Board President

Having focused on Adult Learning and Reading from Boston University, Sara has always worked in the field with underserved children whether in colleges, libraries, schools, or nonprofits. She founded and has been leading the work of PILH since 2011, traveling to Haiti 14 times, and is passionate about libraries transforming young lives. She creates PILH projects to enhance reading education, the key to Haitian inclusion, equity, and social justice
Favorite Book and its Author: Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White

Dr. Sara Mansbach
Board President
Family Literacy Consultant

Dr. Marc Prou
Vice President

Dr. Marc Prou is a senior researcher at Université Quisqueya, Haiti. Dr. Prou co-founded and directed InnovEd-UniQ, a model national university institute for innovative research and professional development for school staff. He is recognized internationally as an expert in bilingual and early literacy education

Dr. Marc Prou
Board Vice President
Université Quisqueya

Lisa Bodenhelmer
Board Secretary

Lisa Bodenheimer is currently Head of Metadata Services at Clemson University. She regards her service for PILH as among the highlights of her career. She became interested in library services in Haiti when she visited the Cange Library in 2009. She has worked for PILH since the early 2010s as a member of the Steering Committee and became Board Secretary as the 501(c)3 organization was established.
Favorite Book and its Author: Water is Wide, by Pat Conroy.

Lisa Bodenheimer
Board Secretary
Clemson University Librarian Episcopal Diocese of Upper S. Carolina

Sanford “Sandy” Miller
Board Treasurer

A retired finance and management consultant with expertise in accounting and management systems. A 12-year commitment to managing medical and humanitarian missions in Latin and South America. A longtime commitment to improving the conditions of the world’s sick and poor, especially Haitian society and its literacy. Favorite: The Books and Letters in the Bible by St. Paul the Apostle

Sanford Miller
Board Treasurer
Retired Businessman

Dan Linginfelter
Director of Communications

A graduate of Central Academy of Art in Cincinnati. Now retired with a previous 42 year career as an art director in advertising. He finds it an honor to utilize his talents for such an important organization as this one. Dan is assisted by Melinda Long, children’s author, and Brynelle Hunt. Favorite book and author: The Banquet Years by Roger Shattuck.